The 5 Most Misunderstood Facts About Pedal Commander
As Pedal Commander is the most popular throttle response controller on the market, it is pretty normal to find various comments and a lot of different information about Pedal Commander throttle response controller on the internet. However, amidst the abundance of information, accuracy can sometimes be questionable. As there is fierce competition between car aftermarket parts in the market, some manufacturers tend to defame the features of our throttle response controller.
The tree that bears fruit will be stoned. For this reason, some of our competitors pave the way for the increase in misconceptions about Pedal Commander throttle response controller through their unnecessary criticisms. Indeed, popularity and success come at a price. However, we are happy to pay the price of these, giving you the most accurate information about our throttle response controller.
So, you need to know that some misconceptions prevent you from buying Pedal Commander, the most high-quality and versatile throttle response controller on the market. Therefore, if you want to get rid of your prejudices about Pedal Commander, all you need to do is read the five most misunderstood facts about our product.
1. Pedal Commander Increases Horsepower or Torque
One of the most well-known misconceptions about Pedal Commander is that it increases horsepower or torque. Unlike other risky car mods like a supercharger and turbocharger that can void a car warranty, Pedal Commander has no direct intervention on how the engine runs, and it does not add horsepower to your car.
That’s not a bad thing. This is because Pedal Commander offers the easiest and safest way to upgrade your car performance without compromising your car warranty. So, we can describe Pedal Commander as one of the most reliable aftermarket parts that respects the factory settings of your vehicle’s engine and parts and safeguards your car warranty.
2. Pedal Commander Can’t Do Anything Your Foot Can’t
As a throttle response controller, Pedal Commander’s primary function is not based on how rapidly your foot presses on the accelerator pedal. It is designed to enhance the signal between your accelerator pedal and your car’s ECU, bypassing some lengthy checks.
The throttle valve inside the throttle body is regulated by your car's ECU. The factory settings decide how much the valve will open (even at full throttle), and also the opening speed is predetermined, irrespective to your foot's movement. Pedal Commander throttle response controller alters the signals to get rid of these regulations, so it is much more different than how fast you're pressing the accelerator pedal.
So, Pedal Commander offers instant access to the engine’s power by eliminating annoying throttle lag from your accelerator pedal. Even though some people think that Pedal Commander does the same thing your foot can, this is a misconception.
3. Pedal Commander Voids Your Car Warranty
Another prevalent misconception about Pedal Commander is that Pedal Commander voids your car warranty. As you know, the matter of car warranty is quite significant in terms of preserving the peace of mind and the general quality of your car. When you take your vehicle to the authorized service under the warranty, you should restore it to factory settings. Otherwise, the service cannot determine the problems of your car.
As Pedal Commander has the most practical installation and removal process, you can easily remove it before going in for a service. Even if it does not leave flags on the ECU, you can further guarantee that the technicians won't notice the device, by simply removing it.
4. Pedal Commander Requires Complex Installation and Removal Process
Some of our competitors try to find a feature of Pedal Commander to criticize. Thanks to their efforts, the misconception about the installation and removal process is thrown out for consideration. But, you can install or remove Pedal Commander on your own in 15 minutes, so, it doesn’t require extra expense for any professional expertise. As a result, we can describe Pedal Commander as a practical and reliable throttle response controller on the market.
5. Pedal Commander Alters Smog or Emissions
Another common misconception is that Pedal Commander alters smog or emissions. You should know that Pedal Commander has a CARB certificate, so it passes all kinds of tests related to smog and emissions. As you know, a CARB certificate makes a car mod legal in California and 19 other states.
Pedal Commander is also legal for all the remaining states. For this reason, you can ensure that Pedal Commander is entirely worth your money and time in terms of reliability.